Applying industrial efficiency to the marketing content creation

Focus on creation, not production

Time & Costs savings, compliance & continuous improvement.

Marketing departments require content to promote vehicles, but inefficient communication and duplicated creative validation tasks have consequences.
The high workload, wide variety of vehicles, and complex configurations make creating quality content challenging.

We realized the need for a better way to create marketing content for the automotive industry. As engineers, we explored ways to automate these complex and time-consuming tasks, to develop a machine that can produce content efficiently and consistently.

This led to the creation of an automated process for automotive marketing content 20 years ago. Indeed, data preparation is not dependent on use cases.

The solution offers many benefits: time, cost savings, compliance and continuous improvement.

From your CAD data…

Process that uses CAD to provide 3D compliant models.

3D compliant models

A repository of vehicle references, up to date and always ready, validated by the product managers.

…for all your projects

You can now use these models to create visuals, for the website, product launches…

Reduction of delays

  • Automate human tasks
  • Fix vehicle compliance “errors” in minutes with the automated process
  • Reduce time-to-market cycles
Scheme explaining the time-saving for content creation thanks to the process implemented

Cost savings

  • Automate repetitive tasks
  • Limit errors
  • Capitalize on content reuse: one data preparation for different projects.
  • Reduce the need for external agencies

Compliance gains

  • Create Digital Aspect Mockup from the CAD
  • Capitalize on contents validated by the Design department
  • Reuse of the same vehicle reference
A scheme explaining the capitalization of content validated by Design service. One content for all support
see improvement of quality rendering

Permanent improvement

  • Measure and improve the process with digital automation
  • Materialize processes and capitalize on tools
  • Eliminate continuous degradation due to HR movements with automation

Created to improve marketing campaigns

Car Model repository proposition

A digital content management solution for large companies to optimize their content creation and delivery processes.

Avoid wasteful repetitive creation of existing content, freeing up time for higher value-added tasks, which contributes to a more effective marketing strategy.

Create more customized and targeted marketing campaigns with better communication between the different departments, brands, subsidiaries and service involved in projects.

Want to know more about this process?